Dawson ISD Staff Attends Active Shooter Training

Today, the dedicated staff of the Dawson Independent School District took a significant step toward enhancing safety and security on their campus. They successfully completed the Big Iron School Guardian Active Shooter Response Training during their in-service session.
The Big Iron School Safety Officer (SSO) Certification Program equips school employees, including teachers, faculty, and staff, with essential skills to protect students and respond effectively in crisis situations. Here are the key topics covered in this comprehensive course:
⚫ Protection of Students: Ensuring the safety of our young learners is the top priority.
⚫ Interaction with First Responders: Understanding how to collaborate seamlessly with law enforcement during emergencies.
⚫ Tactics for Denying Intruders: Strategies to prevent unauthorized entry into classrooms or school facilities.
An active shooter situation demands swift action. By participating in this training, Dawson ISD staff members are better prepared to think critically, act decisively, and protect lives. They also learn how to defend against intruders using everyday classroom items.
We commend the Dawson ISD staff for their commitment to student safety. Their dedication to training and preparedness exemplifies their unwavering commitment to creating a secure learning environment.