Veterans Day Program Dawson ISD will be honoring all local Veterans - add your loved ones name to the list.
School Calendar Correction There was a mistake with our school calendar for Columbus Day - October 14th will be a teacher in-service/student holiday instead of October 7th.
Schoolway App To Be Discontinued Schoolway will be ending it's service on July 1st. Find out more information about our plans.
Employment Opportunities with Dawson ISD Join our team and become a Bulldog! Find out what openings we have...
DISD Announces Summer Feeding Program Bringing healthy summer meals to children ensures kids have a healthy vacation and return to school ready to learn.
Dawson Tennis Sweeps District Meet Dawson Tennis prevails once again as one of the tops programs in the area.
DES Receives $9,800 Tech Grant This grant will help Dyslexia, SPED, and ESL students achieve new heights in their education.